I’m Curious.

November 13, 2009 at 12:42 pm 1 comment

That’s a complete sentence and complete thought there. Yes. I’m curious. Like George.

I’m curious about a lot of things, but mostly just curious. You? Really, I want to know.

And there is no better time to be curious, and so much to be curious about. I just started working again, I mean really working. You know, the kind that pays money!

And this work brings me into new industries, new topics of conversation, new questions to answer. And I love it all. I haven’t talked about motorcycles for several days – and that’s okay (I spent many years in the motorcycle industry.)

First, before I write all about my curiosity, I want to know about yours. Leave a comment, please, and tell me what you’re curious about.

Like …
Driving results at work? Profits?
Or just learning and the curiosity process?
Or is it personal relationships that make you pause?
Perhaps it’s spirituality?
Or is the current State of our States your curiosity focus?
Maybe you wonder why “curious” has two “u”s but curiosity has only one?

Please tell me.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Don’t Wall Me In Here’s to #11, and #12 …

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Stacy  |  November 17, 2009 at 12:20 am

    People make me the most curious. I like to know their reasoning behind the things they do, their rationalisations behind their choices. I often don’t CARE about their motives (which is my current battle with apathy), but I do like to know “why”.

    Sure, I’m curious about a lot of other topics, but often I can find answers online (ie “what’s the GNP of Brazil” or “how fast does a person freefall in a parachute jump”). People, however, are never that easy to figure out. And when you think you DO have people figured out, a person comes along and changes everything you thought you knew. How cool is that?!


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