Social Media is a Window, not a Mirror

September 30, 2009 at 10:29 am 2 comments

Listening to Chris Brogan last night (Chapman University, Orange, CA) discuss his thoughts on social media and his book “Trust Agents” was really an eye opener for me. Actually, I should say it was an Ear Opener. “God gave us two ears and one mouth,” he reminds the audience. Listen.

If you haven’t heard of Brogan (and I was not fully aware of his background until hearing him), he is one of social media’s biggest “rock stars” currently. He delivers powerful common sense messages about participation in today’s social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others.

I came away from his discussion with 3 important reminders for your daily use of social media.

Number 1: The social connections you make are cool, it’s not about the technology tools themselves.
Yes, I really dig my Tweetdeck and ScribeFire and more. But these are only vehicles to help me connect with others.

Number 2: “I see you!”
Businesses and individual users alike should think of this everytime they log on to Twitter or Facebook. Using these tools with a “Look at me” mindset, instead of “I see you”, is as dangerous as being ‘that guy’ who talks about himself all the time. Brogan says “Don’t be that guy.” He used a cool African phrase that translates to “I see you” but I can’t recall it. So look at social media as a window, not a mirror.

Number 3. Share, don’t hoard.
Share insight and wisdom you find online. Don’t hoard people’s time talking merely about your lunch. For example, Brogan recommends using the Twitter search tool to find out what people are talking about, instead of just tweeting that you slept in late today.

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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Brock Ray  |  October 5, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    That last one — “Share, don’t hoard.” — is probably the hardest for most people. I know it has been for me. But it really is the difference between a successful social media presence and one that isn’t so successful. People don’t care about what you ate for lunch. Conversely, people really want to read about all of the great resources that you’ve found out on the interwebs. Sharing all of these resources can help to establish you as an expert in your field. It does not, as so many traditionalists fear, give away something for nothing.

    • 2. hansenhouse  |  October 5, 2009 at 1:22 pm

      Thanks for that comment and reinforcement. The more I play (work?) in here, the more I realize I want to communicate with people who are sharing info, and it makes me do the same. And you’re an excellent example of sharing knowledge through these new tools and resources.


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